PLAINS TALK Kelley Dickey-Cuddy, LMHC ANGER ISSUES IN CHILDREN No one likes to foel angry, and we all experience the emotion from time to time. But when a chikl is struggling with anger, it can be especially tough. Some chiklren grow fnstrated quickly and are more likely to lash out when they don't understand their foclings and cannot verbalize them. When chikdren continue to have negular outbursts, it's ofien a symplom of distress. Possible underlying cases include ADHID, anxicty, traima, neglect, learning problems, sensory processing issues, and autism. Understanding which triggers set off a chikl's outbursts is the first step in managing the anger. Also, consistent parenting is critical. A parent or caregiver's response to thecir child's anger aflects the likelibood of the behavior happening again. If you have a teenager or child who is angry, aggressive or even violent, it can be an extremely worrying time as a parent and not always clear how to get help. Plains Arca Mental Health welcomes people of all ages and from all backgrounds. Our professionals collaborate with clicnts to create a plan which addresses specific needs and goaks. A caring approach integrating evidence-based practices is designed to acklress life's struggles effoctively in a way that is also uniqucly tailored to you and your family. Plains Arca Mental Health takes pricke in treating the whole parson by assessing both mental health conditions as well as substance use disorder conditions. Call our office today at 712-792-2991 or 800-325-1192. Our office is located at 318 South Maple St., Suite 1, Carol. Helping People Cope With Everyday Living. P.S. Teaching an angry child specific techniques such as deep breathing. counting to ten, or going for a quick walk are extremely effective ways of dealing with anger. anger management PLAINS AREA Mental Health Center Mering Pl Cr mde ing PLAINS TALK Kelley Dickey-Cuddy, LMHC ANGER ISSUES IN CHILDREN No one likes to foel angry, and we all experience the emotion from time to time. But when a chikl is struggling with anger, it can be especially tough. Some chiklren grow fnstrated quickly and are more likely to lash out when they don't understand their foclings and cannot verbalize them. When chikdren continue to have negular outbursts, it's ofien a symplom of distress. Possible underlying cases include ADHID, anxicty, traima, neglect, learning problems, sensory processing issues, and autism. Understanding which triggers set off a chikl's outbursts is the first step in managing the anger. Also, consistent parenting is critical. A parent or caregiver's response to thecir child's anger aflects the likelibood of the behavior happening again. If you have a teenager or child who is angry, aggressive or even violent, it can be an extremely worrying time as a parent and not always clear how to get help. Plains Arca Mental Health welcomes people of all ages and from all backgrounds. Our professionals collaborate with clicnts to create a plan which addresses specific needs and goaks. A caring approach integrating evidence-based practices is designed to acklress life's struggles effoctively in a way that is also uniqucly tailored to you and your family. Plains Arca Mental Health takes pricke in treating the whole parson by assessing both mental health conditions as well as substance use disorder conditions. Call our office today at 712-792-2991 or 800-325-1192. Our office is located at 318 South Maple St., Suite 1, Carol. Helping People Cope With Everyday Living. P.S. Teaching an angry child specific techniques such as deep breathing. counting to ten, or going for a quick walk are extremely effective ways of dealing with anger. anger management PLAINS AREA Mental Health Center Mering Pl Cr mde ing